Led the development of a full-stack flower order management system, streamlining the purchasing and selling process for customers and vendors using frontend and backend tools, ReactJS, Node.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, and Express.js, reducing processing time by 40%.• Enhanced user engagement by developing an AI-powered recommendation engine that dynamically visualized personalized product images based on user preferences, improving customer satisfaction and engagement by 25% through user feedback.• Ensured the accuracy and reliability of the AI feature by implementing robust error handling and validation mechanisms.
GitHub RepositoryAdvanced a predictive stock market model using Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with a 4-state model, accurately forecasting stock price trends (Open, High, Low, Close), achieving a 93% prediction accuracy. • Expanded the research by implementing LSTM and ARIMA models for stock market prediction by conducting a comprehensive comparative analysis of all models to find the effective approach by achieving an efficiency boost of 20% over the other models.
GitHub RepositoryCreated an AI-powered tool utilizing NLP and word2vec embeddings to generate emotionally resonant and humorous product promotion ideas tailored to specific product features, increasing marketing efficiency by 30%. • The platform empowered marketers by allowing them to input product features and receive creative campaign concepts instantly, leading to a 20% increase in campaign success rates.
GitHub RepositoryCreated a comprehensive online platform utilizing HTML, CSS, Flask, and MySQL to facilitate internship and job searches...
GitHub Repository